January 2019 Newsletter
Greetings from the PR Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture!
January is often a time for resolutions of change and improvement and we encourage you to take this same approach with your business. As you’re wrapping up the year-end accounts, take some time to reflect on your business goals, identify practices that aren’t cost effective and develop strategies for improvements. Is there an area you wish you understood better or a training opportunity that would benefit you or your employees? Let us know! We’re looking for topics to use in our 2019 educational seminars and would love to know what would help you.
At the Chamber, our New Year improvements have been focused on some major updates to our website and the launch of our sharp new logo, both designed by Horizon Marketing Agency! You can find it at www.PRChamberofComm.com and while you’re there, browse the revamped Membership Directory for profiles and links to member business pages. Stay connected by checking out the Community Calendar for upcoming events (including links to the tentative Centennial Celebration schedule!). Also, don’t miss the new listings on our Job Board. We welcome submissions for the calendar from the public and job postings from all Chamber members!
The Chamber office at the Visitor Information Center at 2 Scale Road is currently closed until Memorial Day. A grant from Visit Southeast MT allows for the seasonal operation of this facility from May to September. The office phone has been disconnected during the off-season, so if you have any Chamber inquiries or need access to the center for equipment, travel information or Range telephone books, we ask that you contact one of the current board members. Our Executive Board for 2019 includes Melissa Billing, Julie Collins, Lori Stokes, Jessica Malone, Rita Harden and Marni Gaskill. For a quick response, you can email us at powderriverchamber@gmail.com or message us on Facebook!
We hope to see you at our next General Membership Meeting at the Library on February 18th at 6:00pm!