May 2020 Newsletter

May is National Beef Month so as the month draws to a close we wanted to recognize the many ranchers and ag support businesses at work in our community.  Thank you for your contributions to our Montana agriculture industry and for the essential role you play in feeding our nation.  

As we emerge from the COVID cocoon, it’s encouraging to see businesses back open and residents continuing to support our local economy.  Have you noticed someone that has gone above and beyond to help during this crisis?  We want to hear about it!  As part of our “Kick COVID with Kindness” campaign, we want to highlight stories that epitomize what it means to live in a community that cares.  Email us at or post on our Facebook page under the “Kick COVID with Kindness” post.  Help us spread some positivity and applaud our small-town heroes!

Phase 2 of the re-opening plan begins Monday, June 1st and this designation means an expansion of group gathering sizes and business capacities.  With just over a month until the Independence Day holiday, the Chamber board is exercising caution but moving forward with plans for 4th of July celebrations.  The morning Freedom Run hosted by the Powder River Trails Club is currently scheduled to take place and the traditional parade and fireworks show sponsored by the Powder River Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture will go ahead barring any new major health directives.  Other activities such as the softball and cornhole tournaments are dependent upon advancement into Phase 3, but we feel confident the timeline will allow us to host these group activities.  Follow our Facebook page @PowderRiverChamber for updates and details on the full schedule of events as they are finalized. 

Don’t forget to check out our website for updates, links and other resources

Marni Gaskill